High-Tech Toll Evader Nabbed By Port Authority PD

VIDEO: New technology isn't just for crime fighters. Just ask Port Authority police, who thwarted a unique toll-evasion move at the Holland Tunnel.

A Dodge Durango driven by Sean Nicholas Seagers, 32, of the Bronx drew an officer's attention shortly before 7:30 a.m. Friday, April 29, because it was missing a front license plate, Port Authority Spokeswoman Lenis Valens said.

As the truck was about to roll through a cashless lane, Seagers hit a switch and a black panel slid down over the rear license plate, Valens said.

Police who staff New York metropolitan area bridges and tunnels often see vehicle flaps that drop into place over plates. Toll evaders also tape over plate numbers with black tape.

A sliding panel is rare.

Police seized Seagers, charged him with theft of services, tampering with public records of information and possession of burglary tools, then released him pending a court hearing, she said.

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